Things That Bother Me on a Run

Some of these things I’ll admit are crazy, but others probably irritate most of us:

  1. Shoe Laces Touching my Skin.

    Ok…I know this one is crazy, but I can’t stand having the laces touch my ankles.  I’ll actually stop running to adjust the situation.  I’m also one of those people for whom clothing tags are hugely irritating.  So I’m pretty sure these two things must be related on a sensory level
Shoe laces touching my skin

Shoe laces touching my skin

2. Running through spider webs.

Pretty sure this bothers everyone.  One time I had an acquaintance stop me on a run to undrape a spider web from my head.  I had looped by her several times trailing a long thread from the back of my head when she finally took pity on me!

On my weekday morning runs, I squeeze through some bars on a gate.  This area is prime real estate for spider webs.  Normally an earlier runner  clears the spot with a stick.  I never even noticed or appreciated his efforts until I discovered an increase in spider webs  that coincided with his Facebook posts that he was in Italy!

Now I know what this nearby stick is for.

Spider web clearing stick to the left of the stone. I squeeze through to the right of the stone.

Spider web clearing stick to the left of the stone. I squeeze through to the right of the stone.

3.  Walkers taking up the whole path

I live in the South.  Almost everyone here is polite and friendly.  However there are some walkers that take up the whole path by walking three (or more) abreast.  Most of the time I will be running in the opposite direction, so they can see me coming.  They won’t give up an inch on the path, as if they’re more entitled to the space than me!  Should I veer off the path and into the mud to accommodate them?  Or do I keep running and play ‘chicken’ with them?

Here’s the bad part – and I know I’m going to sound like Archie Bunker* here – But we have had an influx of one particular ethnic group in our community over the past decade.  IT IS ALWAYS FEMALES FROM THIS GROUP who take up the whole path. Ok, rant over.

*A character from a US 70's TV show who was prejudiced against all ethnic groups and invoked their stereotypes, and slurs against them

*A character from a US 70’s TV show who was prejudiced against all ethnic groups and invoked their stereotypes, and slurs against them.

4.  Yappy Dogs

I am SOOOO lucky…I don’t have to deal with ANY loose dogs during my run.  All dogs in my neighborhood are on a leash, or behind electric fences.  I never get pestered by dogs.  But there are 5 leashed dogs that bug the crap out of me.  One dog is no bigger than Toto from the Wizard of Oz.  I encounter it, and its owner when they’re out on their walk.  Whenever any human passes by it, the dog becomes crazed, yapping,  baring its teeth, and straining at its leash to get at the passing human.  It’s annoying, and I always wonder why the owner doesn’t just give a good yank on the leash to train the dog to stop.

Toto from Wizard of Oz

Toto from Wizard of Oz

The other 4 leashed dogs walk together every Saturday morning with their 2 owners at MY PARK.  These dogs too become hysterical every time a human passes.    And it totally ruins the ZEN of the run when you have to loop by these cry babies 2-4x in a morning.  I’ve spoken with other park goers and they get bothered too.  One time, I stopped the ladies and told them their dogs were clearly unhappy and didn’t belong in the park.  My advice wasn’t received well. AT ALL.

And that is my list of what bugs me during a run.  What bothers you during a run?

15 thoughts on “Things That Bother Me on a Run

  1. neveradullbling

    Haha, yep, totally agree with these! I was running next to traffic yesterday, and this great big HUGE Saint Bernard stuck his head out the window to bark at me. Scared the life out of me! Then I got on the trail, and one couple were taking their 4 dogs for a walk… big dogs… so they were essentially taking up the entire trail. Yes, I had to run around them, but I can just imagine what the cyclists going 25 mph thought. People can be so inconsiderate… Spiders too. Wish spiders would think twice about where they build their webs, hehe. Hate ’em! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. skinnyrunning

    Oh, spider webs are the worst. I hate it when people stop in the middle of the path to take photos of each other as they see you coming. Or better still a selfie. I never know what to do, jog in place or ruin their pictures…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ginismycomfortfood

    Haha, I know exactly what you’re talking about with the walkers 🙂 Happens at the grocery store too! I guess some things are rude in one culture but not in another…

    I totally get you on the shoelace thing too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rebecca Royy Post author

      Nobody else has mentioned the shoelace thing…I was starting to feel self conscious about admitting it!


    1. Rebecca Royy Post author

      Oh boy Yes!! I had some add’l items to add to the list and that would have been one of them..but I didn’t want to come across as a total whiner!


  4. Fallon @ Slacker Runner

    Dogs are a hot button for me since I have been attacked a few too many times. One route I run I always pass this guy walking his dog. Yes, his dog is little but he lets it have like a 10 foot leash. It always charges me as I run wide. He said once that it wasn’t mean, but he never seems to worry about tripping me! I am afraid I am either going to trip or end up punting the dog! Just pull the leash in!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rebecca Royy Post author

      Dogs really are scary. Once I did a long run with my sister who lives in a rural area…dogs loose everywhere. She runs with a big stick.



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